Not everything natural is safe for our furry companions. Sometimes we don’t even realize the dangers we bring home and leave on the counter or in our cars or purses. How many women, right now, have a stick or two of sugar free gum in their purses. That simple little piece of gum or two could be lethal to your dog.
Xylitol is a sweetener used in sugar-free items like gum, cookies, muffins, candies and even toothpaste. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is easily absorbed by the human body, but triggers a significant insulin release in dogs which rapidly drops their blood sugar and can permanently damage the liver.
Recent studies have linked the problems associated with Xylitol to acute liver failure and even death. Low blood sugar can be treated by your veterinarian, but liver damage, even with aggressive treatment, can make it difficult to save the dog’s life.
What Can You Do?
Knowledge is the first step to combat this problem!This is a serious problem and a relatively new find to the veterinary world. Come up with a plan as a family, discuss the dangers of Xylitol and keep your veterinarian’s number handy in case of any emergencies. The best advice I can give is that human food in general is not safe for your dog, keep human food out of reach and use only dog food/treats and food your veterinarian recommends. If you are conscientious about the problem and the dangers you can help ensure a long, safe and healthy life for your canine, but sometimes it is difficult to know all the substances that can negatively affect your dog.
For more information or in case of an emergency contact the experts at the Animal Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435 a $65 consultation fee may be charged to you, but saving your pets life will be well worth it! You can also find more information about them and toxins on their website just click on the picture above.