Learn how your body language can help or hurt your dog training efforts. Discover simple steps you can take to improve your dog training.
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Please leave a comment and you can get a free ebook “101 Ways To Improve Your Dog’s Behavior.” Go to http://www.amazingdogtrainingman.com
Duration : 0:4:24
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Eric you’re wrong. …
Eric you’re wrong. Dogs do not have a pack drive since dogs do not exhibit pack behaviors and are not pack animals
Will my pit bull …
Will my pit bull attack me when it gets older ?
Great! I love the …
Great! I love the away Jimmy reacts to the first call! LoL!
Dog Training – Dog …
Dog Training – Dog Bite Prevention Video —->
Thanks! Good to …
Thanks! Good to know this.
Hi, Very good talk. …
Hi, Very good talk. I am trying to teach my terrier and knowing what you talked about helps. Thanks
I really enjoy …
I really enjoy watching all of these videos! I find them comprehensive, enlightening and easy to apply to my relationship with my own GSD. I like the approach, seems to be based on us as humans using our greater level of intelligence to understand the dog (behaviors/drives/instincts) and be responsible for communicating the right messages (by using that knowledge), and practicing until the dog understands too. Easy in theory. Practice makes perfect, for man and dog.
yes, that is the …
yes, that is the first thing I did but they still come around sometimes. I guess I’ll have to keep calling them. It makes things hard to be neighborly with them. They get tired of having them in their house so they just let them roam.
Have you contacted …
Have you contacted animal control?
cool! So, what if …
cool! So, what if it is a neighbor dog that you want to stay away from you. I have this problem when we visit our new property we hope to develop and the pack of dogs living across the street try to chase us away. I am worried my kids will get hurt. the siberian husky has growled at me when I tried to stand my ground. could have been my tone. trying to be assertive and avoid a fight.
Very insightful, …
Very insightful, thank you.
“Defensive Drive”? …
“Defensive Drive”? maybe you mean “Pack Drive”?
Go find the meaning …
Go find the meaning for the term “Conflict” in the dictionary first before posting anymore nonsense here okay..thanks. =)
Search the term ” …
Search the term “Conflict” means on the dictionary.
I’m so conflicted …
I’m so conflicted over the tips you give- sometimes the things you’re advising owners to do are tips that I’ve found very effective in my own training, but the theory behind your methods doesn’t seem to have any basis in science. For example, I love the advice not to use the harsh tone or potentially threatening body posture for recalls, but I’d love to see the research that supports the trio of drives you’re using as the foundation for this advice.
yyou are boss!!
yyou are boss!!
Wow! This video is …
Wow! This video is very useful and shows how training can be effective if you use the right kind of body language. Great information!
amazing! i will try …
amazing! i will try that on my dog!
very cool
very cool
hey i have adog …
hey i have adog name bella sh
come bella!!! …
come bella!!! good puppy!!
how did u go mate? …
how did u go mate?
did it work>
did u do it already
A few potential …
A few potential Defensive Drive commands I can foresee being necessary are: Heel, Sit, Down, Quiet, Let Go, Drop It, etc. You should obviously do all of these first in Prey Drive, and only when that has been mastered, THEN work on Defensive drive. You should work with a knowledgeable trainer in order to do this however, as Defensive Drive work, especially when done wrong, can cause your dog to lose trust in you. Prey drive work is fun for a dog, whereas Defensive drive work is emotionally rough.
Even though your …
Even though your post is 10 months old,your problem is an obvious one (At least to an experienced owner such as myself). Your puppy will continue to cry for most of her crating time (Especially at night when she doesn’t notice any human activity),for most likely no more than One Week. This is perfectly normal,& it is the result of nothing more than her being homesick due to having just separated from her littermates. Every Puppy I’ve had has gone through the same process,just like Baby children!
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Train Right
Discover How To Get Inside Your Dogs Head And How To Easily Train Him By Working With Nature Instead Of Against It"
Are you worried about law suits because your pet jumps up on everyone he meets and nearly knocking him down?
If you are a dog owner, you probably already know how challenging dog training can be. You see, dogs have their own personality and their own ideas about what they want to do and it's not always what you want them to do. Couple that with the fact that most people aren't born being able to simply whisper to dogs and get them to do their bidding and you have a recipe for frustration.
Once you read this book, you will no longer dread the next training session you will look forward to it and so will your dog! When you learn how to communicate with your pet on his level, you will develop a firm, trusting bond with your pet that will give you the deepest sense of accomplishment and reward .. and you will finally understand why they call him man's best friend .
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