Episode 7 of the Tale of Mo: Dog Training Tips focuses on training sit, down and leave it. This episode, as well as a couple of others involving training actually come before Episode 6, but I just didn’t get around to getting them up in time. Mo is a Border Collie, and we foster him as part of the Border Collie Rescue of Texas. http://www.bcrescuetexas.org Right now we have some big medical bills because of a couple of rescue dogs that tested positive for heart worms and other medical emergencies. If you would like to donate to help these dogs, please see our website.
Duration : 0:10:1
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omg , that dog …
omg , that dog seems a catXD
Thanks for sharing. …
Thanks for sharing. You are doing great work.
He is a great boy! …
He is a great boy! We did a home visit for a possible forever home for him the other day, so it looks like he’ll be going to his forever home soon! (But I’ll always like hanging out with him.)
We find the best homes we can for each dog that comes through on foster, because there is always more that need help.
from the beginning …
from the beginning of the video, it looks like Mo has foound his forever partner!
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Train Right
Discover How To Get Inside Your Dogs Head And How To Easily Train Him By Working With Nature Instead Of Against It"
Are you worried about law suits because your pet jumps up on everyone he meets and nearly knocking him down?
If you are a dog owner, you probably already know how challenging dog training can be. You see, dogs have their own personality and their own ideas about what they want to do and it's not always what you want them to do. Couple that with the fact that most people aren't born being able to simply whisper to dogs and get them to do their bidding and you have a recipe for frustration.
Once you read this book, you will no longer dread the next training session you will look forward to it and so will your dog! When you learn how to communicate with your pet on his level, you will develop a firm, trusting bond with your pet that will give you the deepest sense of accomplishment and reward .. and you will finally understand why they call him man's best friend .
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